Architecture project is the economic, cultural and social interaction underthe influence of various factors, such as conflict of the product. Inflictall kinds of information on a project, ownership of the building wasrelatively weakened. Space calls for the creation of coordination of all of the design thus going beyond individual factors.
"Left room for the possibility of", Kierkegaard (Kierkegaard) this sentencehas a job which gave us a very good guide. Architecture of modernity is areality which we are facing in this extension of architectural culture,fusion, collisions, is communication. Possibility reserved for us was arational approach, which means that before we begin any project, to try toget rid of style and technical frameworks, reserve space for all aspects of the proposal, the most extensive care to design requirements. It also meansthat we are ready to accept, or at least to think differently and adjustingour designs. We try not only to freedom of expression, and will also havethe possibility to translate into reality the aspirations, to continue toexplore possibilities to achieve this transformation limit, that is, toaccept and adjust various conflicts and contradictions.
"Freedom of expression in the contradictions and collisions," this is whatwe have been seeking and adhering to the design spirit!